Another of the monotypes in my Face Series. This one has eyes which can pierce into the soul with so many unanswered questions. Most of my work, at least in my mind, has some psychological implication whether coming from a subconscious or conscious level. I am interested in what makes man tick and what is hidden behind every face that walks along the street. I think that is why I like to read literature of foreign authors such as Pamuk, Durrell, Llosa, etc. Some American authors, but those like Pynchon, delve into the inner workings of the mind, but there seems to be so much “fluff” written for pure entertainment much as TV is. Riveting, Monotype on Paper, 16” X 6” (image size), 21” X 11” (matted and framed size), $295 SOLD
Copyright Charlotte Shroyer 2013