Alone, Oil on Gessobord, 5” X 5", panel sides, $135.00
For some reason or another, as this woman appeared from my palette onto the gessobord, I was reminded of Dutch paintings, perhaps the dress, perhaps the light on the face which is even more pronounced in the painting itself. The photo of the painting did not pick up the contrasts between the yellows and greenish purples of the complexion. A potential customer on first glance was drawn to the painting because of that very element—contrast of light and color. Much is left to the imagination in this painting unlike the Dutch Renaissance painters—not only the story, but the squiggles in the background. A window? A narrow door? Vermeer spelled out so many little details with little left to imagination except for the story of the characters on the canvas. What is this woman thinking of as she sits alone? The story is left to the viewer—I had no intent in mind.
Copyright Charlotte Shroyer 2013
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