For years this axe sat on my bookshelf waiting for me to notice. It has only been during the past three weeks that my attention finally got it--wake up and look through the window of your soul at the reminder of your long ago intentions to write a book about lessons of life from the Navajo loom.
This axe is not Navajo, but it is a part of a culture which has valued the earth and all that is a part of it. So much of who I am has been reflected in the Navajo style weaving that I did for years and still do to a minor extent even today. The spiritual connection of putting organic materials into a visual form with order and aesthetics satisfied a yearning deep within for close to 20 years.
NOte: The book Lessons of Life from the Navajo Loom has its beginnings on paper almost three chapters done. One of the chapters Yarns of the Soul has already appeared as an award winning feature aricle. Hopefully the rest will follow.
Painting above: Indian Axe, Oil on Canvas, 4" X 6," $30.00 USD
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